
Articles from the SD State Board of Dentistry

  • Updated Administrative Rules- July 2024


    Updated Administrative Rules regarding collaborative supervision are now in effect.

  • Administrative rules regarding  collaborative supervision were approved by the Legislative Interim Rules Review Committee and are now in effect.   The updated rules remove a clini

  • Updated Administrative Rules - May 2024


    Administrative rules regarding medical records are now in effect.

  • Administrative rules regarding medical records were approved by the Legislative Interim Rules Review Committee and are now in effect.  Please review these rules carefully to ensure that you

  • Renewal Fee Schedule

  • Renewal is now open!


    It is time to renew your license or registration for 2024-2025.

  • It is time to renew your license for 2024-2025. You can renew your license now by logging into your acount at the top of our home page. In order to ensure the accuracy of your personal informatio