
Application Overview

License Applications

An individual may apply for a license to practice as a dental hygienist by completing one of the following license applications. 

If you are an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States or the spouse of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States who is the subject of a military transfer to South Dakota and hold a license or registration in good standing to practice as a dental hygienist in another state, please contact our office for an Active Duty Military Personnel or Spouse License or Registration Application.

An applicant who would like to petition for a review by the Board to determine if the requirements outlined in SDCL 36-1D-1 have been satisfied must submit an application, applicable fees, and documentation for review.   For any South Dakota requirement you do not meet, please submit documentation that demonstrates substantial equivalence with the South Dakota requirement.  You may contact our office if you would like to discuss your specific circumstances or if you have questions regarding the documentation necessary for a review to be conducted.

The application for new license is for a dental hygienist that has passed a patient based clinical competency dental hygiene examination within five years preceding the date of application. The examination must meet criteria outlined in ARSD 20:43:03:02 to be accepted for licensure. Verification from the testing agency that the exam meets all requirements may be requested..

Dental Hygienist-Application for New License

The Application by Credential Verification is for individuals that are currently licensed in another state and have completed a minimum of three thousand clinical practice hours within the five years preceding the date of application. If an individual is applying via credential verification, the Board accepts the following patient based clinical competency dental hygiene examinations: CRDTS, WREB, CDCA, CITA, or SRTA. A dental hygienist must apply for a separate permit to administer nitrous oxide, administer local anesthesia, or monitor patients under moderate sedation or general anesthesia and deep sedation.

Dental Hygienist- Application by Credential Verification

Anesthesia & Sedation

Administer Nitrous Oxide

A dental hygienist that would like to administer nitrous oxide sedation and analgesia must hold a nitrous oxide sedation and analgesia permit. 

 Dental Hygienist - Application to Administer Nitrous Oxide

Administer Local Anesthesia

A dental hygienist that would like to administer local anesthesia must hold a local anesthesia permit. 

Dental Hygienist - Application to Administer Local Anesthesia

Monitor Anesthesia

A dental hygienist that monitors patoents under general anesthesia, deep sedation or moderate sedation must hold a permit to monitor. 

Dental Hygienist- Application to Monitor
General Anesthesia, Deep Sedation, or Moderate Sedation

All courses that have been approved for a permit to monitor patients under anesthesia are listed in the application.  To request approval of a course that is not listed on this application, but meets the requirements in ARSD 20:43:09, please complete the course approval request form. 

Anesthesia Assisting Course Approval Request Form

Collaborative Supervision

A hygienist that would like to utilize collaborative supervision must complete the Collaborative Supervision agreement. 

Collborative Supervision Agreement

Volunteer Registration

A dental hygienist may apply for a Temporary Volunteer Registration that authorizes the dental hygienist to practice for up to one week in a volunteer capacity. Please submit a complete application and all supporting documents at least twenty business days prior to the dates of service. 
Application for Temporary Volunteer Registration

Application Status

You may check the status of your application at any time by clicking on the Application Status link below and logging in with the indicated personal information. If any required documentation is missing or incomplete it will be indicated in the status and/or comment spaces. This information is updated as documents are received, so please check this link prior to calling the office to check on the status of your application. Once your application is complete and processed the link below will no longer work and will return a message of "No record was found with those credentials".

If you have any questions, please contact our office.

Application Status

Page Updated: 7/1/2024 9:39:59 AM