Renewal Fee Schedule

Renewal Fee Schedule

Due to Administrative Rule changes that went into effect in late 2023, renewal fees have increased. For your convenience, the statutes and administrative rules are always available on our website. Please take the time to periodically review these to ensure compliance.

Renewal Fees:

License: $220.00
Nitrous Oxide Permit: $50.00
General Anesthesia and Deep Sedation Permit: $50.00
Moderate Sedation Permit: $50.00
Host Permit: $50.00
Corporation: $25.00

Dental Hygienist
License: $115.00
Nitrous Oxide Permit: $35.00
Local Anesthesia Permit: $35.00

Registered Dental Assistant
Registration: $35.00
Nitrous Oxide Permit: $35.00
Radiography Permit: $35.00

Registration: $35.00

Please be advised that if you do not renew your license by July 1st your license will automatically be suspended as of July 2nd and you will not be able to practice until you have reinstated your license. During the 30 day reinstatement period, reinstatement fees will be added.

Article Last Updated: 5/1/2024 8:36:59 AM