
About the Board


The mission of the Board is to protect the health and safety of the consumer public from the services of unqualified dentists, dental hygienists, and registered dental assistants by licensure of qualified persons, enforcement of the statutes, rules and regulations governing the practice of dentistry, including the inspection of facilities and appropriate resolution of complaints.

Organizational Structure

Each regulatory board is placed organizationally within a Department.  The Board falls under the purview of the Department of Health. 

Board Jurisdiction

The Board oversees the enforcement of SDCL 36-6A, SDCL 47-12 and ARSD 20:43.  The Board oversees the licensing and registration of dentists, dental hygienists, registered dental assistants, dental radiographers, and dental corporations, along with the issuance of any applicable permit.  The Board also oversees the investigation of complaints against any licensee or registrant of the Board.  State law authorizes the Board to take action against the license or registration of a dentist, dental hygienist, registered dental assistant or dental radiographer in certain circumstances. Specific grounds for action are outlined in SDCL 36-6A-59 and 36-6A-59.1.  The Board has no authority under state law to mediate a billing dispute between a dentist and a patient or to intervene in matters pertaining to business practices. 

Board Meetings

The Board meets at least three times annually.  The Board operates in compliance with SDCL 1-25.  The meeting dates and meeting materials are posted in advance of each meeting.

Board Composition

The Board is comprised of seven members, including five dentists, one dental hygienist and one lay person.  Board members are appointed by the Governor.  The term of each Board member is three years and a Board member is eligible for up to three terms. 

Board Members

  • Dr. Scott Van Dam, President - Rapid City
  • Dr. Brian Prouty, Vice-President - Watertown
  • Zona Hornstra, RDH, Secretary/Treasurer - Sioux Falls
  • Dr. Jon Schaack - Rapid City
  • Dr. Harold Doerr - Rapid City
  • Dr. Nick Renemans,- Pierre
  • Ashley Flynn, Lay Person - Sioux Falls
Page Updated: 6/13/2024 7:58:04 AM