

Dental and Dental Hygiene Clinical Exam Information

Individuals who are applying for a South Dakota Dental or Dental Hygiene license and are scheduling their clinical exam, or who completed their exam in 2022 or later, may complete any of the following clinical exams: CRDTS, CDCA-WREB-CITA (ADEX), or SRTA, provided they take all required components outlined in ARSD

Individuals who are applying for a South Dakota Dental or Dental Hygiene license who completed their clinical exam in 2021 should refer to this chart to verify acceptance of the exam they completed. You must have completed all required components. 

Individuals who are applying for a South Dakota Dental or Dental Hygiene license who completed their clinical exam in 2020 should refer to this chart to verify acceptance of the exam they completed. You must have completed all required components.

Please contact our office if you completed a clinical exam prior to 2020 and you are applying for a New License. If you are applying by Credential with the required number of practice hours we will accept any of the following clinical exams- CRDTS, WREB, SRTA, CITA, CDCA (formerly NERB).

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