Verify Licensee

Verify Licensee or Registrant

You may search our database of dentists, dental hygienists, registered dental assistants and dental radiographers that are licensed or registered in South Dakota. Please enter a first name, last name, both or a portion of either to search the database. To search by license or registration number, you may enter all or a portion of the license or registration number. If there is disciplinary action, the record will be flagged.

The information contained on this website is made available as a public service by the South Dakota State Board of Dentistry. The Board considers this information to constitute primary source verification. The licensee or registration information on the Board's website comes directly from the Board licensees' or registrants' database. The Board relies upon the information provided by the licensees or registrants to be true and correct as required by state statute.

The Board makes no warranty concerning the accuracy or completeness or reliability of such content. The Board's website is not intended to constitute legal or professional advice.

The use of this information for any purposes other than for license or registration verification is not authorized.